Sunday, August 16, 2009

but iLike her more.. ; )

she's a model-suitcase-opener on deal or no deal (which i'm hopelessly addicted to.) her name is Lenisha.. something lol..i'll come back and write her last name later.


Anonymous said...

thats the chica from the pharrell videos!

btw deal or no deal will soon be taping in my good ol little city. and theyre holding casting calls for the show. get on that!

Cordial said...

lol chill i aint tryin 2 be on no game show.. but u just might catch me at cosi's hugged up with shorti and a sammich.

Anonymous said...

haha youre a mess.
would you want to be an audience member?

Cordial said...

idk. i guess it'd be fun. then i'd have 2 hear my moms' mouth about WHY DIDNT U TRY 2 BE A CONTESTANT?!! lol so idk..