Wednesday, July 1, 2009

and dont 4get...

unfortunately i kno that the police will be adding a few more illustrations to this list, dont just look at this as old news or some shit that happened to some dudes, these were people, with dreams and aspirations, happy memories bad memories, families and friends they shared goofy inside jokes with just like the rest of us. these were NOT criminals these were guys doing everyday things walking down the block, getting out from a party, hanging out in their building, and they lost their lives bcuz officers who are either on power trips, or who hate the people their supposed 2 be serving or are too afraid of them to think clearly, lost their heads, (with no repercussion might i add). this could have been any one of us! just cuz it aint in the news right now dont let ur anger settle this is disgraceful. when an officer loses his or her life the offender (whether it is "accidental" like these cases or not) gets locked under the jail no 2 ways about it. but i guess these men's lives just weren't as valuable... thats the only conclusion i can come to based upon what the justice system has shown me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this banner is already too long and unfortunately it may not stop growing, but we cnt allow it to go unrecognized. thnks for reminding me.