Saturday, July 25, 2009

Damn Game... 77 times?!!

Young's fans decided they'd tally up exactly how many times Game's had Jay on the brain while in the booth.. i mean i expected it 2 be hi. really i would've expected it 2 be hi 4 any rapper cuz thats kinda a part of game's style 2 name drop. but GOD DAMN!!77 FUCKIN TIMES. lol i was kinda hopin 4 a Jay response but knowing him he'll probably let this speak 4 itself. read the actual lines here:


Anonymous said...

thats hilarious.

everytime i see him now i think, "im michael jackson, you michael jackson, we're ALL michael jackson"... smh. tehe

Cordial said...

lmao!! literally. i just woke up the neighborhood.