Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. who was also the host of "African American Lives" on PBS which traced the lineage of prominent black celebs, like Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Oprah, Whoopi, and hopefully one day yours truly =] and was also named one of time magazine's most influential Americans in '97, was locked out of his home when a white neighbor saw him trying 2 wedge his door open and called the police on him, by the time police responded he was already in his home. The police probed him and repeatedly asked him for ID to prove that it was in-fact his house. Gates was initially so insulted he refused but after a short time showed him not 1 but two forms of ID, clearing everything up. At that point the officer continued to interrogate him, it was then that gates asked him for his name and badge number and it was then that the officer (oh yea if u havent guessed the cop was white) refused. Gates, 58 then picked up his walking caine and followed him onto his porch and insisted where the officers handcuffed him and charged him with disorderly conduct... smh. Allen Counter a fellow Harvard prof. stated "We do not believe that this arrest would have happened if professor Gates was white..." and with that sadly truthful statement, i'll end it off.
and now half the worlds all pissy because obama said the police acted stupidly or whatever.
equality my ass.
and on top of that every1 is like well he's the guy that has been handpicked by a black commissioner to teach racial profiling classes at the police academy..
all that tells me is A. who ever said that didnt get the memo that 99% of black cops are like more unfair and racist than the white ones 2wards blacks
and B. all thats saying is he shoulda payed attentio nin his own fucking classes, cuz every1 knows that couldnt have been no little irish man or italian man or whatever he woulda never slapped the cuffs on him. period. any 1 saying otherwise is probably in denial.
i respond this way because im a lil lost. hehe
i respond this way cuz i dont fell like typing enuff to break it down. =]
no really, i must not have the whole story. we shall tlk.
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